In the far reaches of Eoreza where forest and hills met, a young boy named T'ewa Tia dreamed of becoming an adventurer much like the ones traveling through his old hometown. He eventually embarked on his path out into the world, meeting his wife, Spades La'varre, along the journey.

Surrounded by most of his own clan and some other races, he was no stranger to outsiders that come traveling into town to bring goods and stories from around the realm. The place wasn't well known, but having connections to Old Sharlayan meant it must be important in their eyes. Some friends that he had grown up alongside would eventually sail off to Sharlayan to pursue their hunger for knowledge, even his own brother upon reaching his 17th summer had moved off to Sharlayan and eventually become part of the Eurekian Exploration team.


T'ewa La'varre

<< Trusted Friend >>
<< Of Unbreakable Steel >>
<< The Meat Shield >>


Spades La'varre

Urianger Augurelt

Enoix Leahoix


Aster (Azem)

<< Fourteenth seat of the Convocation of Fourteen >>

Playful and headstrong Amaurotine, and the Convocation's headache. Aster is a well versed traveler on Etheirys, protecting the realm from potential threats that dare to harm the world, their home, or their friends and colleges. They're seen with company alongside them, never alone whenever they walk, usually dragging around the most eminent Emet-Selch or Hythlodaeus. On occasion they will be walking with Castor, Pandaemoniun's temporary caretaker under Lahabrea's order.

When the world split into Thirteen, the fragment of their soul upon the Source had split even further into two separate pieces, reincarnating into the pair of Warriors of Light, T'ewa and Spades. The red string of their fractured soul tugged the two fates towards each other, bonding them together without knowing. Bits and pieces of Aster's personality and physical traits are divided between the shards and reflections. However traces of their soul will always shine the same color, a brilliant vivid orange.


HythlodaeusEmet-Selch (Hades)
Long time friends, first to form a romantic relationship with.Part of the polycule with Aster and Hythlodaeus.
Elidibus (Themis)Castor
Close FriendClose Friend
Lahabrea (Hephaistos)
Major Headache to